Giveaway: BadAss Men of Fiction
Submitted by Paperback Dolls on June 12, 2011 – 6:00 am14 Comments
Ok . . . so we can’t give the characters away, but we CAN hook you up with books featuring the sexy male protagonist we will be shining the spotlight on this next week!
Ready for a BadA$$ Giveaway?
Feast your eyes on this
BadA$$ lot of books!
To enter this Bad@ss Giveaway simply fill out
Extra entries given to each person that comments on each post during this week’s feature.
- Desi’s Favorite Post
- Emma’s Favorite Post
- Day’s Favorite Post
- Mona’s Favorite Post
- Noa’s Favorite Post
- Suz’s Favorite Post
- Alli’s Favorite Post
- Kitt’s Favorite Post
This contest is *international and will end June 26th. Winner will be selected via Random.Org and announced in our “Week In Review” post the following Sunday.
Now for fun, can you guess which character each doll picked?
*In some case of International winners a Gift Certificate or E-book may be substituted
Paperback Dolls is made up of women from different parts of the world, with different backgrounds, different tastes and beliefs that were brought together through a love of reading. We like to think of ourselves as a cyber version of "The View" that focuses on books, authors, and reading. We are proof positive that one common love can unite the most opposite of people and form lasting friendships that introduce other ways of life and perspectives to each other.
I wish I can win this! Thanks for doing a giveaway!
Yay! I <3 bad a$$ men!
Good luck to everyone!
Lol @ Kitt. Good luck everyone.
Couldn't begin to guess who y'all picked, but I bet it was difficult to settle on just one!
sallans d at yahoo dot com
From this selection my favorite is Acheron (Ash *swoons*)!!!
Sounds like a fantastic event, count me in! :-)
Spread the word, tweeted here:
posted on Facebook too:
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
Well, I'm loving this event in particular :)
Great Contest.
Here is how I think each doll will choose-
Kitt- Barrons
Noa- Curran
Day- ?idk Eric Northman maybe?
Mona- Asheron
ELvie- Vishous
Desi- Peeta
I don't know about the others.
I'm totally clueless on who the dolls would pick!
Now that's my kind of giveaway! Filled with hotties! *-* yum! LOL
Your making me smile today – thank you! I left a comment and it disappeared and do not know if you got it – it this is a duplicate – you still made me smile :)
Could not guess who each of the dolls would choose, there are just too many yummy badasses out there!
Thank you for the chance to win!
Bad Ass Week=Genius!! Love it!!