Articles tagged with: Horror
Guest Movie Review: Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter

Like all movie adaptations you always want more than the movie can give you, and Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter is no different. I had thought we’d get a closure rendition since Seth Grahamme-Smith helped write …
Guest Review: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith

Author: Seth Grahame-Smith
Tittle: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
Release: March 2nd 2010
Series: Novel
Reviewer: Teresa
Source: Personal Library
Purchase: Amazon | Book Depository
Indiana, 1818. Moonlight falls through the dense woods that surround a one-room cabin, where a nine-year-old Abraham Lincoln …
Two Doll ARC Review: A Blood Seduction by Pamela Palmer

Author: Pamela Palmer
Tittle: A Blood Seduction
Release: May 29th 2012
Series: Vamp City 1
Reviewer: Kitt and Mona Leigh
Source: HarperCollins/Avon (edelweiss)
Purchase: Amazon | Book Depository
Vampires live only for lust and pleasure in the eternal twilight of Vamp City. …
ARC Guest Review: Ripper by Amy Carol Reeves

Ripper is another book I found while looking for books to review for Paperback Dolls. It caught my attention with its description.
Author: Amy Carol Reeves
Book: Ripper
Release: April 8, 2012
Reviewer: Teresa
Source: Flux (NetGalley)
Purchase: Amazon
A paranormal mystery …
Review: The Night Stangers by Chris Bohjalian

Author: Chris Bohjalian
Book: The Night Strangers
Release: October 4th 2011
Series: Novel
Reviewer: Believer
Source: Author
Purchase: Amazon – Book Depository
From the bestselling author of The Double Bind, Skeletons at the Feast, and Secrets of Eden, comes a riveting and …
ARC Review: The Wolf Gift by Anne Rice

Author: Anne Rice
Book: The Wolf Gift
Release: February 14th 2012
Series: Novel
Reviewer: Steph (Eowyn)
Source: Knopf Publishing Group
Purchase: Amazon – Book Depository
The time is the present.
The place, the rugged coast of Northern California. A bluff high above the …
Zombie Week! Guest Blog: Scott Nicholson

Slow Zombies Forever
By Scott Nicholson
My first-ever zombie movie turned out to be the one that’s still my favorite. What I liked best about The Night of the Living Dead is that—like the zombies themselves—it started …
Zombie Week! Guest Blog and Giveaway: One Buck Zombies (Anthology) Edited by Christopher Hawkins

The Zombie Apocalypse: Your Ticket to Wealth and Happiness!
Make no mistake, good reader; the zombie apocalypse is real, and it is coming. Anyone who tries to tell you different just wants to hog it all …
Zombie Week! Guest Review with The Dark Ashs: The Reapers are the Angels by Alden Bell

The Dark Ash’s = Smash from Smash Attack Reads and Ashley from The Bookish Brunette
Author: Alden Bell
Book: The Reapers are the Angels
Release: August 3, 2010
Series: Novel
Reviewers: Smash and Ashley
Source: Personal Libraries
Purchase: Amazon – Book Depository
Zombies …
Zombie Week! Guest Blog and Giveaway: Xombies by Walter Greatshell

I’ve gotten so bored with the whole zombie craze that sometimes I forget why I ever liked zombies in the first place. When did that notion click for me? Then I remember: Oh yeah—1978. The …
Zombie Week! Bookish Finds!

Rhiannon Frater’s As the World Dies trilogy is an internet sensation. The first two books, The First Days and Fighting to Survive, have won the Dead Letter Award for Best Novel from Mail Order Zombie. …
Zombie Week! Help Improve Your Chances of Survival

Did you know that Amazon has a Zombie Survival Kit or Zombie Survival List? No? Check it out along with these survival guides to help ensure your future when Z day arrives!
Since pre-history, the living …
Zombie Week! Guest Review with Emma Butler and Giveaway: Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion

Author: Isaac Marion
Book: Warm Bodies
Release: April 26, 2011
Series: Novel
Reviewer: Emma Butler
Source: Personal Library
Purchase: Amazon – Book Depository
R is a young man with an existential crisis–he is a zombie. He shuffles through an America destroyed by …
Blog Tour Interview and Giveaway: The Radleys by Matt Haig

Matt Haig is the author of The Last Family in England, a UK bestseller narrated by a Labrador; The Dead Fathers Club, a widely acclaimed update of Hamlet featuring an eleven-year-old boy; and The Possession …
Guest post and Giveaway: What’s your biggest fear? by Scott Nicholson

What’s Your Liquid Fear? (Dr. Sebastian Briggs)
By Scott Nicholson
What’s your biggest fear?
That’s the question my flawed researcher asks his hired goon in my new thriller Liquid Fear. Of course, the goon’s response is “nothing.” Which …
BLOG TOUR for “The Haunted E-Book” by J.L. Bryan + GIVAWAY!
*Giveaway Closed*
BLOG *We interrupt our love fest for this special announcement – All this love might be giving some of you an aversion to sugar and spice and all that’s nice and so, without further …