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Month of Love Guest Blog: A Woman in Bed by Cathy Maxwell

Submitted by on February 15, 2011 – 8:29 amOne Comment
Everyone please welcome historical romance author Cathy Maxwell to Paperback Dolls!

Cathy Maxwell is the author of four Avon Treasures and has been a finalist for the prestigious RITA award from the Romance Writers of America. Romantic Times calls Cathy Maxwell “an author who understands the human heart and whose stories touch our souls.”

She spends hours in front of her computer pondering the question, “Why do people fall in love?” It remains for her the mystery of life and the secret to happiness.

She lives in beautiful Virginia with her children, horses, dogs, and cats. Find Cathy: Website | Blog | |

For the February 13th issue of my regional paper, the reporter and photo editor suggested highlighting my interview with a portrait “similar to, but not exactly like, a book cover . . . lounging on your bed with your books scattered around you, a rose and some chocolates.”

My response was short and to the point, a response I then, wisely, deleted without hitting the send button. Instead, I sent the request to Avon’s super publicist Pam Spengler-Jaffee along with a note about how I needed help reframing this request.

I can’t decide if I’m more annoyed with the rolling out of a tired cliche, one that fans of the romance genre and its writers face regularly . . . or that someone who had impressed me as a strong human interest reporter was taking the easy road.

There followed a conversation by email, Pam’s opening salvo diplomatic but firm:

Pam: Putting her (Cathy) in an old fashioned bodice ripper pose isn’t going to help her stature in the local market. Sorry to be such a stickler. Romance authors are intelligent, educated women. I’d love to step away from the cliche and portray her for what she is.

The reporter: The irony is that romance writers’ stature in the market has been built on those bodice-ripper covers and stories. I don’t think anyone assumes that behind the lusty jackets is the work of a second-rate, less-than-intelligent author who’s not to be taken seriously. I saw her sense of humor in full swing that day and thought she would have no issue with a playful, over-the-top approach. Unless you have another idea, I guess we can move forward with a photo illustration that incorporates her mug shot with some of the book covers she gave me. Would that be acceptable?

Pam: I’ve been doing this for about 15 years, and unfortunately, I’m seen time and time again that people find it all too easy to poke fun at these talented authors. NOT that you and your photo editor are doing so. But you’ll find that most romance authors would be VERY uncomfortable with the tableau you pitched. Many years ago, Barbara Cartland made a statement on a fainting couch, surrounded by fuzzy white lapdogs and wearing a boa. We’ve come a long way, baby! And thank goodness.

In the end, the paper relented and a photographer shot me in my office.

I admit, it has been a long time since anyone has asked me to pose “lounging” on my bed for any reason. I could gently argue with the reporter that when one sees a woman posed on a bed, the first thought isn’t, “She looks intelligent. Bet she knows how to write.” Well, perhaps if the woman is on her death bed. Death bed photos always connote importance.

But I’m far from ill and, no, I don’t believe such a shot was what the paper had in mind.

Yes, I’m nervous about what will be in the interview. I thought I’d mentioned that readers like our books just because they are good stories, but the photo suggestion makes me fear the direction of the interview had already been decided before the reporter and I met. And I’m concerned for what I might have said that could be used to support the story’s premise.

Please, I don’t believe everyone has to like Romance. I’m not a big Fantasy fan although I respect the talent of its authors. We readers like what we like and that is it.

I even try to keep a sense of humor about the giggles and “trashy” references concerning Romance. People usually don’t realize what they reveal about themselves with those comments. Some have never read a romance novel for a number of reasons (no time, intellectual insecurity, lack of curiosity, illiteracy) and some of those who make such comments have personality issues. If they could hear how rude, how condescending and rigid they sound, they’d be mortified . . . I think. (Well, maybe not the personality issue folks.). I try to be polite. After all, I’ve been guilty of saying stupid things before. I’m not here to fight every battle. I don’t have the time.

But I won’t let anyone put down my readers, and in the end I felt the reporter’s photo suggestion was demeaning to anyone who enjoys reading Romance. It was a tongue-in-cheek suggestion. We haven’t opened one of those books up but we know what’s inside those covers, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. (Pun intended. Old one. Sorry)

The photo request warned me that the reporter didn’t get it. Maybe never would.

So for the record, here is my belief: Read what you wish. Revel in stories. Enjoy the moment when you and an author click, when the “movie” being created in your head completely captures your imagination. When the very best use of your time is getting lost in a story. And don’t ever apologize to anyone for reading. No, no, no.

What are your thoughts? Am I too sensitive? Does the way the press portray authors matter? Has hearing a comment or seeing Romance highlighted in a negative manner discouraged your desire to read our books? Or are you too busy happily turning the pages and loving the story to care?

By the way, at the time I’m writing this, the article has not been released. I don’t know what has been written. If the article is posted online, I’ll pass on the website–and you can’t imagine what courage that will take!

Read the article from the Richmond Times-Dispatch
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One Comment »

  • Day said…

    Hi Cathy! Great post!

    I think that the press does tend to give romance and what they deem as “smutty books” a bad wrap some times. This is puzzeling because some of the most successful books turned motion picture are centered around romance…Twilight springs to mind:)

    I will say that I am a sucker for giving in to my curiosity. If my friends or twiiter for example are going on and on and on about a paticular book (whether it’s good or bad) I have to find out for myself what all the talk is about.

    But I don’t tend to form firm opinions based on others comments. I would have missed out on too many books I have loved if I bothered with that…
    February 15, 2011 12:09 PM
    Noa said…

    Cathy, thank you for visiting today!
    I’m a huge fan of the romance genre – my fellow dolls will attest to that ;) and have met with quite a bit of condecension for my reading preference… My answer to them is simple: I have never met a book I haven’t learnt something from. My love of all things historical started with these books. So yay smut and bodice rippers! But nay to forcing authors into strange poses
    February 15, 2011 12:22 PM
    Mona said…

    I love the sense of humor!! And oddly enough, while I was shopping earlier, I picked up a copy of The Marriage Ring. I wasn’t even thinking about Cathy being with us today.

    I can’t wait to start reading.
    February 15, 2011 2:49 PM
    KittNLuv said…

    Thanks for joining us Cathy. I don’t think your being to sensitive or would I condemn an author by the way someone else portrays them. Only how the author in question portrays themselves (Sylvia Massara anyone? Grocery lists indeed)

    If I want to read a book, regardless of what other people are saying – like Day – I want to find out for myself. What didn’t work for them, may work for me. Books are always received differently to each individual reader.
    February 15, 2011 4:23 PM
    Cordy said…

    I am slowly getting into some romances. I admit that I used to have preconceived notions about the quality of story behind the covers on the rack at the grocery store. I thought it made me less intelligent if I read such brain candy books. Then I started considering the quality of TV entertainment. Books are meant to also be an escape and outlet for entertaining, the same way TV is…

    Now I just consider the fact that I am enriching my mind more with literary brain candy than with trashy TV:)

    The press sucks in general. More now than ever before I turn to blogs of all kinds of variety for honest prespectives on everthing from books to current events. Why? Well, I suppose it’s because they don’t get paid to report. They are doing it because the issue or books matter to them. That means something in my book. I feel like the media is corrupt:)
    February 16, 2011 9:11 AM

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