Articles in On Writing
Catching up with Teresa…Awesome News!

It’s been awhile since my last article. I’ve been writing more for PBD, however in the last few months I haven’t been able to write those articles either. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to …
Catching up with Teresa

It’s been awhile since I’ve written an article, sorry about that. I’ve been hard at work on Legacy and another MS that’s completely different. That ones been the screen play.
As you guys probably know I’ve …
Catching up with Teresa!

Publishing… When to send out feelers?
If you’re like me a few other Dolls, you read anything and everything that pertains to helping with your craft. One of the tips we always see is make sure …
Catching up with Teresa!

For months I’ve been talking about trying to put sound, i.e. Readings of my novel on I recorded the first paragraph on my phone but the two weren’t compatible. After trying several things to …
Catching up with Teresa!

Write what you know…
This article is going to be a little short and I’m sorry for that but I did write two this month so bear with me.
There is one thing that you always here …
Catching up with Teresa!

A few months back I wrote about a writer’s tool box and things that we could place in it. Now my box wasn’t like most as I explained and in this article I want to …
Special interview feature with author Barry Eisler + GIVEAWAY (part 3)

Barry Eisler spent three years in a covert position with the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, then worked as a technology lawyer and startup executive in Silicon Valley and Japan, earning his black belt at the …
Special 3 part Interview with author Barry Eisler + GIVEAWAY! (part 1)

Barry Eisler spent three years in a covert position with the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, then worked as a technology lawyer and startup executive in Silicon Valley and Japan, earning his black belt at the …
Catching up with Teresa! This time – On Critique Partners

During my journey to getting published there have been a few people that have helped me with my writing. They are my critique partners, I’ve had a few different ones over the year but the …
Catching Up With Teresa!

How many different genres do you think we have in literature? How about subgenres? When writing a story the genre is one of the last things I think of yet when trying to get published …
Catching up with Teresa

I had thought this month’s article was going to be shorter than normal, as it turns out it’s not. It is however on the sad side and full of my raw emotion. Since May I …
Catching up with Teresa

Last month we discussed workshops and how they could help you’re writing. This month I want to discuss how reading different authors can help your writing. How you may ask? Just wait and I’ll tell …
Catching up with Teresa

This months article is all about an authors friend-enemy…kidding well kind of. I want to talk about workshops so if you guys are like me workshops may sound like school and anymore that never sounds …
(Really) Catching up with Teresa…

Sorry I’ve been out of touch for the last few months, but my journey has been a crazy one. Unfortunately writing hasn’t been in it but I’ve gotten a lot of research done by sheer …