Cat Johnson Braves Doll Lil’s Word Association Challenge!

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Cat Johnson Braves Doll Lil’s Word Association Challenge!

August 7, 2013 – 12:48 am | One Comment

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Mockingjay feature:Top Ten Questions (give or take a few)

Submitted by on August 22, 2010 – 7:00 am23 Comments
Top 10 (or more) Unanswered Questions
Like most everyone else we know, we are chomping at the bit to have Mockingjay in our hands. Why is it so important to fans? Well, It could be that there are so many life or death (for the characters) questions left unanswered. Aside from the uber obvious “Gale or Peeta” question we thought it would be fun to make a list of other not so obvious questions we hope are addressed in Mockingjay.
1. Why are the districts contained within fences and prohibited from leaving?

2. Are there video cameras in the woods?

3. What exactly is District 13?

4. What or who are the Muttations? Are they the dead – or something else?

5. Did Gale and Peeta’s family escape  before district 12 was destroyed or are they gone?

6. What has the Capitol done (or going to do)  with Johanna, Peeta, Cinna and Annie?

7. Who all was in on the secret rebellion?

8. What exactly is Haymitch’s role in the rebellion?

9. Did Katniss’ mother grab the book of herbs and plants that Katniss worked on with Peeta? (the only normal thing they ever did together)

10. What is up with President Snow’s blood smelling breath?

11. Why did Cinna volunteer to design Katniss’ Hunger Games attire?

Now…To make this a little more interesting, we want to hear your opinions and theories on any of the above questions. Feel free to leave a question in the comments that we may have left off or not thought of. Lets see how many questions are actually answered in book three…which is only 60 hours away;). SO EXCITED!
Special thanks to our buddies The Hunger Games Tribute, For What It’s Worth Reviews, Obsessed!, and Novel Thoughts for helping us with the list!

Day is a dreamer who has never met a stranger. She is fearless and will talk to anyone and read anything! She taught music and dance and was a singer/actress for years, performing on stages both nationally and overseas. Now married with children, she spends less time singing on stage and more time writing songs at home. But, family life has not completely slowed this chick down. She still loves an adventure and learning new things. She resides in Texas with her family, Great Dane (Sophie), Labradoodles (George & Cosmo) and Chihuahua (Juan Carlos).
Doll Day
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  • ~M.A.CHASE says:

    10. What is up with President Snow's blood smelling breath?

    Maybe it's not his BREATH, but just a smell that's on him from killing people who don't go along with what he says.

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  • Anne R. says:

    omg! Could it be that…….. President Snow is a vampire? o.O

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  • Misha says:

    lol Anne ..good theory ..vampire!!
    Did Gale and Peeta's family escape before district 12 was destroyed or are they gone?

    I think they escaped. I am almost sure


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  • puppyduck4 says:

    I would really like to find out for sure in Mockingjay whether Katniss' and/or Gale's dads were really killed in the mines or are they still alive?

    I think the reason the districts are all contained is that the Capitol doesn't want the districts getting too friendly with each other. During the first rebellion the districts teamed up to try to overthrow the Capitol, did they not?

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  • Madeleine says:

    I wanna know more about Madge and her mother! There seems to be more to that story;)

    I think Cinna is somehow connected to district 12- that is why he doesnt have the same capital accent and dresses more normal.


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  • Julie! says:

    WHO will Katniss end up with?!? *dying to know*

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  • Sandyg02 says:

    I'm gonna try to answer all these questions, so here's what I think:

    1. Why are the districts contained within fences and prohibited from leaving?

    To keep everyone contained and from traveling to the other districts. So they don't know how bad it is in other districts and so they cannot plan a rebellion with the other districts.

    2. Are there video cameras in the woods?

    If there was video cameras around District 12 wouldn't Katniss have been executed for killing animals that were property of the Capital a long time ago? Along with Gale?

    3. What exactly is District 13?

    Um…I don't know but we're going to find out in Mockingjay.

    4. What or who are the Muttations? Are they the dead – or something else?

    I think Muttations are actually kind of like mutations, so there are several of them. The tracker jackers, the jabberjays, and those weird wolf like things.
    If you're talking about the weird wolf like things they're probably in a cage somewhere. The Capitol has gotta have a use for them.

    5. Did Gale and Peeta's family escape before district 12 was destroyed or are they gone?

    Gale didn't leave his family behind. He's been taking care of them for years, he isn't stopping now. As for Peeta's family, I don't know.
    I'm wondering how did they escape District 12? The fences were electrified 24/7 – did District 13 come in and take them out in hover crafts or what?

    6. What has the capital done (or going to do) with Joanna, Peeta, Cinna and Annie?

    Most likely imprisonment, and then soon torture.

    7. Who all was in on the secret rebellion?

    Everyone in Catching Fire that was allied with Katniss and/or those who died protecting Peeta and her. And Cinna.

    8. What exactly is Haymitch's role in the rebellion?

    I think Haymitch is kind of like a spy.
    Every year he has to go into the Capitol for the Hunger Games because he is the only mentor for District 12. So he was able to talk to the other mentors about a rebellion (the mentors he trusted) and to figure out what the Capitol was up to if he could.

    9. Did Katniss' mother grab the book of herbs and plants that Katniss worked on with Peeta? (the only normal thing they ever did together)

    I'm sure that Katniss' mother and Prim grabbed the book, the cat, and the goat. Along with some of the herbs that she had available that were useful.

    10. What is up with President Snow's blood smelling breath?

    I think that he like participating in the torture of prisoners, so the blood gets on his breath somehow.

    11. Why did Cinna volunteer to design Katniss' Hunger Games attire?

    I think that Cinna helped the rebellion. He made the costumes that everyone saw. The Girl on Fire got everyone's attention, and then the wedding dress thing showed everyone that Katniss is a mockingjay. That Katniss defied the Capitol, and was still living. And that they could too.

    **entered the contest too.

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  • Yuko says:

    I'll answer only 2 questions because I have a little time: obviously it's only my opinion!

    Are there video cameras in the woods?
    I think there are: Katniss hasn't been punished for killing animals in the forest only because she sold them to the rich people of her district.

    What or who are the Muttations? Are they the dead – or something else?

    As the name suggests, I think they are mutant The Capitol want to use for some unknown purpose

    **entered the contest too

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  • Anonymous says:

    1. Why are the districts contained within fences and prohibited from leaving?

    *Because they don’t want the district members leaving their district to hunt or escape, they also want to keep each district ignorant of what is happening in other districts.

    2. Are there video cameras in the woods?
    *No, there are no cameras in the woods.

    3. What exactly is District 13?
    *Distinct 13 was a district that is now destroyed because they tried to rebel against President Snow. They used to make explosives in that district and district 13 is suspected to still be in existence.

    4. What or who are the Muttations? Are they the dead – or something else?
    *Muttations are unnatural animals that look like wolves and each of them in The Hunger Games was had the eyes of the deceased competitors. The people are dead but I think that they used their eyes and programmed them into the Muttations.

    5. Did Gale and Peeta's family escape before district 12 was destroyed or are they gone?
    *Yes, Gale and Peeta’s family escaped before district 12 was destroyed and so did Katniss’s family.

    6. What has the capital done (or going to do) with Joanna, Peeta, Cinna and Annie?
    *The Capitol is going to try to use them to try to “keep Katniss in alliance” because if they killed them they knew that Katniss would really have a reason to go full force against President Snow. They plan to torture them for information.

    7. Who all was in on the secret rebellion?
    *Haymitch, Cinna, Plutarch Heavensbee the Head Gamemaker, some of the participants from the second game like Johanna and Finnick Odair were all involved in the secret rebellion. And of course District 13 too.

    8. What exactly is Haymitch's role in the rebellion?
    *In a way Haymitch is the leader of the rebellion. He is the master mind behind bringing President Snow down and he used Katniss as a symbol of hope for the districts.

    9. Did Katniss' mother grab the book of herbs and plants that Katniss worked on with Peeta? (the only normal thing they ever did together)
    *I really don’t know the answer to this one 

    10. What is up with President Snow's blood smelling breath?
    *Haha, I don’t know. Maybe he eats little children for dinner.

    11. Why did Cinna volunteer to design Katniss' Hunger Games attire?
    *Because he was also a part of the revolution and he came from Katniss’s district.

    If I win please contact me at

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  • Honey says:

    I often wonder about question number 2 and it keeps picking at my brain, especially while I read Catching Fire. I honestly think that there are cameras because how else would President Snow know that Katniss and Gale kissed and hunt in the woods? Hopefully we find out in Mockingjay!

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  • Charis says:

    I think Muttations might have a bit of Frankenstein in them – cobbled out of the remains of the dead and put together with dead dog parts.

    Just a gruesome guess.

    @Anne Royce – Good one!


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  • Sena says:

    OMG! Just reading these questions is making me even more excited to read Mockingjay!!! I can't wait! The suspense is killing me!

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  • Day says:

    Great theories everyone!!!

    I want to know if the Capitol had an inkling that something was brewing and if that had anything to do with the events that took place. My Conspiracy theories abound with these books;)

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  • Clarissa says:

    Is Cinna alive?

    What is the deal with Cinna? We know that he asked for District 12.

    How long has the rebellion been in the works?

    I think that Peeta's family is dead. I also think that one of Gale's family members died, probably a younger sibling.

    I don't think there are cameras in the woods, just close to the fence.

    Haymitch's role was to become the drunk at the games that no one paid attention too. He could get info easier if people thought he was out of it.

    I am really curious about the blood smelling President.

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  • 1. I think the districts are confined so that they can keep track of everyone. Also, this way the districts cannot socialize with each other.

    2. I think there are video cameras in the woods to an extent. I think they may only be close to the fences, but I'm not sure.

    3. District 13, I think, contains survivors of the first rebellion and runaways. All working toward an even bigger rebellion.

    4. I don't think the Muttations are actually living. I think they are just manufactured to have the greatest impact–whatever that may be. For example, I don't think the muttations at the end of the Hunger Games were alive, per se, but just manufactured to have the impact of making the tributes think twice.

    5. I think they did escape.

    6. It makes me sad to think about. I have no idea!

    7. More people than we know. Obviously Gale and Haymitch. Cinna too, plus countless others.

    8. I think Haymitch has a HUGE role in the rebellion. Perhaps he has been plotting every since his games and finally say something in Katniss and Peeta that could get the ball rolling.

    9. I hadn't really thought about this. It could be helpful.

    10. Ew. I have no idea.

    11. I think he volunteered because he is part of the rebellion.

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  • Madeleine says:

    I think Peeta's family didn't make it out in time, and now he REALLY has nothing to live for…except Katniss:(

    Cinna…I often wondered if he wasn't related to Katniss somehow.

    I think that it's possible that Katniss' father wasn't really killed and has been planning an uprising for some time.

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  • Jixnce says:

    Why are the districts contained within fences and prohibited from leaving?

    Well… I think the districts are contained because then no one really knows what is happening in other places – just look at in real life, if no one knew what was happening in a part of the world no one would be able to help with anything. I think its a human thing to want to help others, so if the districts weren't contained, they would probably try to help each other in some way.

    I'm both excited to read Mockingjay, and I'm dreading it… I don't want it to have a sad ending!

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  • My theory for District 13 is there is no District 13! I think there might have been once, but my gut tells me it never existed at all.
    As for Cinna and why he chose to design Katniss' atire, I think he's always had it out for the Capitol and was just waiting for the right tribute or the right moment to do something, anything, to express his feelings and start something.
    Sadly, I also think he's dead or has been turned into a mutant thing. :'( I loved Cinna.

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    I wouldn't be surprised if Haymitch was the main guy behind the Rebellion. Cinna being her costume designer was planned very intentionally. And as for President Snow's breath its really to disgusting to even try to imagine why it smells that way.
    Hope there won't be 10 top unanswered questions after Mockingjay!!
    Cassie H.

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  • Maxi says:

    My question is is haymitch hiding anything? and is it possible that capitol is hiding any mutations ? these are really amazing questions i wonder if they will be answered and who will die in mockingjay? i hope it will be a great ending

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  • I'll attempt this but I am probably completely wrong lol.

    1. To keep a level of control over the people and keep them from talking with other districts and going against the capital?

    2. I think so.

    3. I think it might have been the most powerful district years ago and that made the capitol fear them.

    4. Eeek, I dunno.

    5. I think Gale definitely saved his family. I'm not sure about Peeta's but I really hope so.

    6. I think they are keeping them so they can speak against the rebels.

    7. I think more were in it than it first seemed.

    8. I am assuming that he is a bigger part than may have been realized due to his outside appearance.

    9. Hmm, yes!

    10. Ew, I dunno but its gross.

    11. Because he wanted her to seem powerful so she could be the future "image" of the rebellion?

    I can't wait to see what the answers are!!

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  • Kailia Sage says:

    Really great questions! I would really love to know who Katniss chooses.

    1. To make sure the people don't leave their district!
    2. Eh, I think if this was the case, we wouldn't have the Hunger Games books in the first place because Katniss would be dead!
    3. They rebelled against the president but some people survived and still live there today.
    4. I think they're something else. They might be technology– like robots!
    5. I hope not! But we'll find out!
    6. I think they're going to ask the rebellers to not rebel if they want their friends back alive!
    7. More than we know! Gale, Haymitch and so many others. I think a lot of the people Katniss helped would have rebelled!
    8. I think he's either the leader or he tells them how to (kinda) stay under the radar?
    9. I think so!
    10. I think he recognized Katniss's potential in being very powerful in a rebellion! Maybe he wanted to empower her even more!
    11. No idea!Maybe he's a vampire?

    *entered the contest!

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  • wow, almost all these questions were answered (except for 1,2,9,10) which, I guess in the end didn't really relate to the story. I think the answer to #1 is that the capitol probably did't want a rebellion to happen with the districts, and so they didn't want the districts to team up together. So with fences and such, they can't get to a common meeting point to plan. Also, each district is involved in a different means of industry, and that way they can't share and trade resources. Everything has to go to the Capitol first to be distributed.

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