Interview with the amazing Zoe Archer
When our very own doll, Mona read she quickly began to tell all of us how much she LOVED it and the book began to make it’s rounds. We were so excited about the new book that we asked Zoe to answer a few questions for us and being the awesome person she is, she said yes! So, please welcome author Zoe Archer to the Dollhouse!
Dolls- We LOVED ! Was it a difficult book to write?
Dolls- Do you have a favorite character-who did you enjoy writing the most…or the least?
Zoe- Writing the hero, Bennett Day, was so much fun. He’s just a lively, fun character, so I loved being in his head, experiencing his joy in living, and thinking up witty things to say. My editor confessed that she developed a little crush on Bennett, and I have to say, I did, too. *wink*
Dolls- As fans of the book, we were wondering if you had any mental images of your characters and who you saw as your characters?
Zoe- Usually I cast my characters, but, especially in Bennett’s case, I just couldn’t. He’s supposed to be the most gorgeous, sexiest man you’ve ever seen, and that is a very subjective determination. So, if you’re trying to picture him, just think of your ideal dark haired, blue-eyed man. That’s Bennett.
Dolls- In The Blades Of The Rose books the “Get Smart” inventions your spies use are take-offs on today’s technology in a cruder form. Did you originally set out to write steampunk or did it just work out that way?
Dolls- Your characters get some pretty hot sheet action going on, is it ever difficult to write those types of scenes?
Zoe- It can get a little challenging, finding new and inventive ways to describe lovemaking without using terms that are purple or clinical. I also find that reading love scenes that take place in a bed can get kind of…repetitive, so I like to envision new scenarios for my hero and heroine to get bizzay.
Dolls- You use mythology for the magical portions in the story, have you always been a lover of Myth/folklore, and what research have you done to aide you in those regards?
Dolls- Who has had the biggest influence on you and your writing? (Was there a teacher or relative that encouraged you or something else?)
Zoe- My parents always encouraged my writing. They weren’t writers, but they knew how much it meant to me. Also, my mom was and is a big reader, so she passed on her love of books to me, and that definitely helped inspire me. Now, my major inspiration and source of encouragement is my husband. He is also a writer and (tiny plug), writing as Nico Rosso, will have a sci-fi romance coming out from Liquid Silver very soon! He’s my critique partner, plot genius, beta reader, technical adviser, armorer, fight choreographer and generally all around awesome dude. We share an office and write at the same time. He wears headphones so he can listen to his music whilst I listen to my music, and somehow it all works. Yes–I am aware how very lucky I am.
Dolls- So, what’s next on your “to-do” list? We know your busy promoting Scoundrel, but are there any new works in progress we can be anticipating?;)
Dolls- Wow! You are really keeping busy. With the holiday season around the corner many people will be traveling and reading, (this is a great book for that BTW) will you get a chance to catch up on some reading, and what book/books are on your “to- be- read” pile?
Zoe- Ah, the infamous TBR pile, the bane and pleasure of every reader’s existence. When I find the time (which might not happen–see the above writing schedule) I’ve got Elizabeth Hoyt’s Wicked Intentions, Judith James’s Libertine’s Kiss, Shana Abé’s The Treasure Keeper, and I really want to try Lauren Dane’s Federation series. I always have more research to do, too.
Dolls- You have some really amazing characters of your own, but who are some of your favorite characters of fiction? Heroes, heroines, villains…?
Zoe- I’m so bad at these questions! Names aren’t popping into my head right now, but I can tell you that I love characters that are intelligent, witty and capable.
Dolls- Is there one thing you would like people to know about you or your books that somehow never comes up? Perhaps, how did you get to be so awesomely cool?;-)
Zoe- I always wanted to be a spy, leaping from rooftop to rooftop. But all the major spy organizations felt that having someone so awesomely cool on their payrolls could destabilize entire nations, so I had to become a writer instead. You’re welcome, world.
Dolls- Thank you so much for answering our questions! We are super thrilled to have you on Paperback Dolls and cannot say enough great things about Scoundrel!
Zoe- Thanks so much, and thank you for having me!
Great post! I loved this author feature!
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I'm absolutely intrigued by this article. Definately going on my must reads list. I'm so loving the Steampunk genre. I'm very excited to add another to the list!
Hi :)
Thank you for the excellent interview with Zoe Archer & thanks to Zoe for the great answers.
All the best,
Heeh, that was a wonderful interview!!
I haven't read Scoundrel yet, but I really have to because it sounds awesome and Bennett seems super cool and super sexy! :P
Yes, I can be shallow! lol
And wow Hellraisers sounds great!
Paranormal historical book? Count me in!
Thank you so much Zoe for answering our questions and writing your books! I am asking for the last two Blades of the Rose books for Xmas!
(hint to all)
Thanks again!
This is a series I've looked forward to for awhile. I've only read a few of the Steampunk genre and look forward to digging into this one.