Total Eclipse The final installment in the Weather Warden series
Submitted by Doll Day on August 26, 2010 – 7:00 am9 Comments
By : Rachel Caine
New York Times bestselling author of the Morganville Vampires novels
New York Times bestselling author of the Morganville Vampires novels
Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin, her husband, the djinn David, and the Earth herself have been poisoned by a substance that destroys the magic that keeps the world alive. The poison is destabilizing the entire balance of power, bestowing magic upon those who have never had it, and removing it form those who need it. It’s just a matter of time before the delicate balance of nature explodes into chaos-and doom.
Let me just premise this by saying that I LOVE THIS SERIES! I actually waited to read this book (though I pre-ordered a few copies) simply because I knew it was ending and wanted to postpone the inevitable as long as possible. This is the last adventure or mis-adventure Joanne and company will have. The finality of it saddened me more than expected. I suppose it is a testament to Rachel Caine’s skill as a writer that she can write characters in such a way that their stories will be missed by readers like myself.
All of that being said…something was slightly off in this book. Perhaps it’s the fact that Caine was tying up so many loose ends and bringing closure to her fabulous series that caused the shift in pace. Total Eclipse had A LOT going on in it’s pages and it was hard for me to keep up with everything that was happening. And boy oh boy, with Mother Earth waking up pissed off at humanity, you can bet your bum there was lots of action!
For those loyal RC minions (like me), the fantastical concepts and outrageous happenings in the Weather Warden world will come as no surprise, but I think new readers will have a hard time swallowing everything on page (serves you right if you are just now picking up this series to read;)). These are books that must be read in order to fully appreciate the characters and creativity of the author. There are some characters that have grown so much throughout the series, like Kevin & Cherise, whose stories in Total Eclipse won’t be completely felt without the prior knowledge of where they came from.
Overall, Total Eclipse was not my favorite in this series, but I finished the book completely satisfied with the way everything transpired, and thankfully have my complete WW set signed and ready for me to re-visit whenever I wish!
C’est la vie Weather Warden’s, I will miss you greatly.
Weather Warden [YA]
Ill Wind-December 2003
Heat Stroke-August 2004
Chill Factor-January 2005
Windfall-November 2005
Firestorm-September 2006
Thin Air-August 2007
Gale Force-August 2008
Cape Storm-August 4, 2009
Total Eclipse-August 3, 2010[FINAL]
This book was purchased by Day.
Day is a dreamer who has never met a stranger. She is fearless and will talk to anyone and read anything! She taught music and dance and was a singer/actress for years, performing on stages both nationally and overseas. Now married with children, she spends less time singing on stage and more time writing songs at home. But, family life has not completely slowed this chick down. She still loves an adventure and learning new things. She resides in Texas with her family, Great Dane (Sophie), Labradoodles (George & Cosmo) and Chihuahua (Juan Carlos).
I love this series. I'm about half way through them, and didn't know Total Eclipse was the end of the series. It will be sad to let Jo go. I love her adventures!
Hi! Great review! This is def my fav series too:) I'm also sad to see it end but excited to see what happens. I can't wait to read Total Eclipse.
The Weather Warden series holds a very special place in my heart because it was my first Science Fiction series that I really got into. I adore the author and have huge respect for her creativity.
I really believe that it was a very satisfiying ending to the series and the only reason it's not my favorite is because it's the finale:(
PS- I think we all need our own Djinn in a bottle;)
Day – great review!
*hugs* on finishing the series!
I finally got the book 3 days ago. I am taking it slowly normally i would have finished it. i am trying to go so slow, but i can't i know i will finish it today. & i was SO excited when Luis Rocha & Cassiel showed up!!!! Thankfully i think we will still have Jo & David updates on Outcast Season!
Hi! I have passed on the summer blogger award to you guys! Thanks for the awesome posts!
Is every series ending this year?? lol
Thanks for this review!
Bill ;-)
Author of "Back to the Homeplace"
and forthcoming "The Homeplace Revisited" Spring 2011
nice cover!