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Doll Believer Gives Thanks 2012
Submitted by Doll Believer on November 20, 2012 – 4:00 am3 Comments
10. Lycra
9. Butterfly Gardens
8. Roses
7. Red Zinfandel
6. Bourbon
5. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream
4. (Tie) Xanax and Ambien
3. Book Club Friends
2. Great Books
1. (Tie) Great Authors and Chocolate!!!!!
*Several smexy things were kept off this list in order to meet the guidelines set forth by The Doll House Mother but Bones, Mircea, Eric Northman, Angel, private islands, Paris and several bottles of massage oil were involved. ;D
Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved to read story books. She devoured them because they were full of magical possibilities with every turn of the page. Then the little girl grew up and school work occupied more and more of her time. Eventually the little girl graduated from school, trading in poets & prose for business management & autobiographies. Magic was left behind in her quest for the top and the world became a place filled with “paradigm shifts”, ROI & financial reports. Before she knew it, the girl was a woman who felt out of touch with the world’s magic until she met Birth and her sister Death. While Birth filled her with wonder & happiness; Death filled her with sadness & loss. And so one day she set aside the management books and instead picked up a paperback story filled with vampires, shifters & telepaths. Lo and behold, her passion for these stories blossomed and the woman became a believer in the magic of reading, again. My name is Believer9200 and I believe in the magic of stories because they give me hope.
Doll Believer
hehehehe I read private parts not islands the first time through.
That’s a pretty good list you’ve got going there. LOL
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