Articles in Jana Oliver
Month of Love: author Jana Oliver on love – the tweenage version

Please welcome author and tween-Doll favorite, Jana Oliver! Today Month of Love focuses on young love. The angst, the innocent flirtations, the high school romances with a boyfriend who sparkles more than you do after …
What do Veronica Roth, Rachel Caine, Holly Black & Jana Oliver have in common?

What do Veronica Roth, Rachel Caine, Holly Black & Jana Oliver have in common…besides all being talented authors? Ok, and yeah, they are all attractive female writers but how about the fact that they each …
ARC Tween Review and Giveaway: Soul Thief by Jana Oliver
Book: Soul Thief
Author: Jana Oliver
Release: August 30 , 2011
Series: Demon Trappers book 2
Reviewer: Desi
Source: Author
Purchase: Amazon – Book Depository
Riley Blackthorne is beginning to learn that there are worse things than death by demon. And love …
Giveaway: Desi’s Favorite Book Boys

Post Written by Doll Desilula
I wanted in on the action this week. So, I did what young girls do best…I whined and begged and persisted until the grown-ups caved. :)
You see, I LOVE books and …
Review: Madman’s Dance by Jana Oliver
History is melting down, courtesy of a multi-century plot to bring the Transitive shape-shifters to power. Only Time Rover Jacynda Lassiter can set things back on course, but that will be difficult. She’s been abandoned …