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Blog Tour Literary Word Association Challenge and Giveaway: Enraptured by Elisabeth Naughton

April 9, 2012 – 10:09 am | 11 Comments

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Home » Articles, Doll Noa, Ilona Andrews, Loretta Chase

A Book Addict’s Tale or: How I discovered Loretta Chase’s books

Submitted by on August 25, 2011 – 5:00 am5 Comments

Some of you probably wonder how we decide which books to read next and where we get our book recommendations from. I mean, you all come here to get yours (right? right? just nod, say yes and keep the crazy woman happy ;)) but where do our “what to read next” decisions come from?

Well, for me they come from blogs like this one, friend recommendations and author recommendations. That is how I landed myself in my current situation – one which included a great deal of embarrassment, an inability to live without finishing at least one Loretta Chase book every weekend, and a new author on my historical romance favorites list.

It must have been fated, the stars all aligned and really, it was kismet.

It all started when I made my usual daily visit to Ilona Andrews’ author blog (an awesomely fun blog that simply makes my day). On that particular day the blog’s focus was Silk is for Seduction, Loretta Chase’s latest romance. That was enough to put the book on my TBR pile.

Then, on that same day, Kitt our techie Doll extraordinaire (and historical romance buddy) shared the fact that Lord of Scoundrels (a book she loved) also by Loretta Chase was on sale in e-book format($1.99 for two more weeks!). When she found out I had never read a book by Loretta Chase the gloating was, in my opinion, a bit over the top.

So I don’t know one author, and this author happens to be amazing who constantly makes her legions of reader fans happy with every book she publishes…ok, so maybe the gloating wasn’t over the top.

I made it my challenge, my quest if you will, to read both Loretta Chase’s latest endeavor and Lord of Scoundrels in one weekend. My only regret is that I only had those two books with me. I needed more.

Lord of Scoundrels is one of Ms. Chase’s older books (1995) part of a series (though each book can be read out of order and as a standalone) and it was just…so much fun. Strong heroine, exasperating but wonderful hero… humor, romance, mystery, and a heroine that shoots a hero on purpose, without pause and then just turns around and leaves the scene. How could I not love it?

Silk is for Seduction (2011) starts off a new series for Loretta Chase. This time around we have an engaged Duke, a dressmaker with ambition and a love story that really was beautiful.

I needed more – and so it began. Every weekend my TBR pile sat there collecting dust as I went through Loretta Chase’s booklist. Now, I finally realize why her books are so wonderful.

It’s because in addition to being an incredibly talented storyteller, one that doesn’t simply copy-paste books – only changing the hero and heroine’s names and an occasional plot twist. It’s because she realizes that heroines can save heroes, heroes can save heroines and all without anyone fainting. It’s because she managed to not include any of the things I despise about historical romances in her books.

Her heroes aren’t just golden gods of perfection with plump pockets and a disdain for women, her heroines aren’t just perfectly slim and beautiful debutantes seeking a thrill. Each book is unique and leaves you giving a happy sigh when you’re done.

I have now read the entire Lord of Scoundrels series (The Last Hellion was my personal favorite) and think each and every book belongs on my keeper shelf. Now on to the Carsington series…though I’ve already read one or two of the books ;)

Now if only Miss Kitt had some spare time so we could review these books together. It has to be a double-Doll review because there is just so much to discuss…plus, she needs to reveal her favorite :D

Ladies and Gentlemen, get thee to a bookstore or e-bookstore near you and if you have yet to try Loretta Chase – do so, please – just humor me?


Noa first fell in love with books when she discovered 100 acre wood and its inhabitants. To this day, the last pages of “The House at Pooh Corner” make her cry. In a good way. From“Calvin and Hobbes” to “The Iliad and the Odyssey” and lets not forget “Martha Stewart’s Cupcakes”. Biographies, mysteries, history books and romances all have a place on her bookshelves. Who needs furniture? This 29 year old singleton’s dream is to invent the zero-calorie chocolate. But until that day arrives, she tries to create sweet confections with whatever chocolate she can find. An MA in conflict studies (need a mediator?) means Noa loves a good debate, especially when she wins. If she were in charge, books would be free for everyone.
Doll Noa
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  • Mona Leigh says:

    I read Silk is for Seduction last week and LOVED IT. I’ve managed to lay hands on several of Ms. Chase’s books and I’ve enjoyed all of them. Her books are one of my guilty pleasures. :)

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    • Doll Noa says:

      Aren’t they just awesome? I have to get Kitt on board for a two-Doll review :D
      Have you read the Last Hellion?

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  • Denise Z says:

    Thanks for sharing the fun today:)

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  • Just like you I’ve been hearing Loretta Chase’s name praised for a long time, then a couple of weeks ago read and LOVED Silk is for Seduction and bought Lord of Scoundrels (in that unmissable offer!) and can’t wait to read it! :-D Good to hear her novels aren’t carbon copied, that frustrates me when an author recycles her characters and plots :-/

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  • Great Depression Facts says:

    Interesting read , I’m going to spend more time learning about this topic

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