Month of Love Guest Blog and Giveaway: The Sinning Hour by Elise Rome
Everyone please welcome Elise to Paperback Dolls! The Sinning Hour is the debut novel by Elise Rome, Ashley March’s alter ego. To learn more about Elise Rome and her books please visit her website here or to learn more about Ashley March you can visit her website here. To learn more about Month of Love and who is visiting you can go here.
Every Day is a Romance Day
by Elise Rome
Ah, love. A week ago we celebrated that magical part of the year known as Valentine’s Day which leaves the single in tears, the married with children desperately seeking out babysitters for a night of freedom, and the dating giddy on life.
*Grin.* In truth, every day in the Rome household is a day of romance. We don’t need to wait for Valentine’s Day.
(We also prefer not to remember one year before we were married when I dumped him right before Valentine’s Day. I still felt the need to give him the lovey-dovey collage of pictures I had made for him. Yes, there’s nothing quite as awkward as “Here’s the present I made for you before I dumped you. Can you wait until I get back in my car before you put it in the garbage? Thanks.” Yup, I’m that girl. What else was I going to do? I’d spent HOURS on that thing. I sure as heck wasn’t going to let it stay at my place.)
With almost nine years of marriage behind us (because we did get married even after the collage-o’-disaster…although he still hasn’t told me what he did with it…), perhaps I can give you a few examples of the daily romance that goes on in our lives.
Example #1) My husband lets me sleep in until eight while he gets up with the children and feeds them breakfast. Since I often don’t go to bed until somewhere between 2 and 4, I find this *extremely* romantic. I love sleep. And my husband. But after having two kids, maybe I love sleep just a little bit more…
Example #2) My husband routinely cooks dinner so I can work in the late afternoon and try to catch up on writing and writing business and…yes, sometimes I sleep then, too. He even takes the kids down to the basement in the afternoon so they can’t disturb me when I take a nap. Okay, I think he’s edging the sleep a little. I suppose I love him more.
Example #3) My husband doesn’t *always* pretend that he doesn’t know there’s a dirty diaper and then lets me find it as soon as I take over with the kids. He doesn’t *always* pretend not to know, and for that I love him. Because I don’t *always* do this, either.
Example #4) My husband lets me talk about my writing. Or, rather, he nods and makes satisfactory noises while I talk about my writing. I find this encouraging since the kids are screaming their lungs out at the dinner table in the other chairs nearby. Only a stand-up, responsible kind of guy who loves me wouldn’t have run away by now. Although I’ve seen the look in his eye. That wild, horrified look when I ask his opinion for the millionth time while the kids scream out their lungs at the dinner table in the other chairs nearby whether or not we should have two more kids. Because four sounds like a nice round number. And is he really serious when he says he doesn’t want to talk about baby names for our two maybe someday children? What about hero and heroine names? That’s okay, right?
…That’s when the wild, horrified look is replaced by a blank slate expression and I know he’s retreated deep down inside to a safe place. When I see that look, I get to start talking about baby names and character names. And that’s why I love him.
You see? Every day in the Rome household truly is like Valentine’s Day. Except, of course, on the real Valentine’s Day, where we get to have a babysitter and shower and dress and put on our hallelujah-the-kids-are-at-home faces while we go to dinner and a movie. And while we’re alone, there aren’t any dirty diapers or writing to be done or future possible baby names to be discussed. We have a conversation, something that is surprisingly rare and difficult to do around screaming kids. We hold hands (and he reminds me of our first double date when he asked to hold my hand and I said no because my palm was sweaty). We laugh, we kiss, we cuddle. And at the end of every Valentine’s Day, I remember why I married him.
Because he makes every Valentine’s Day special, and because, despite all the non-romantic things that happen in our lives, he makes every day that isn’t Valentine’s Day ones I’d never want to miss.
I love you, Luke. Next Valentine’s Day, I promise to change every dirty diaper that comes my way. Even the ones that happen two minutes before your shift.
What is your favorite way to celebrate the romance in your life (whether you have a partner or not, I hope the answer is something to do with chocolate!)? I’ll be giving away one digital copy of my new novella THE SINNING HOUR to a random commenter (open internationally).
And don’t forget to come visit with me!
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I was born and raised in East Texas, moved to Colorado after getting married eight years ago, and have been craving snow-free winters ever since. I have a husband who just keeps getting better and better over time and two beautiful daughters.Life is simply…fantastic.
A man accustomed to having whatever he wishes…
A year ago, the last thing portraitist Simon Astley expected was to become fascinated with his new housemaid. Although Miranda Post was no great beauty, he found his attraction for her continuing to grow until—rather than giving in to his wicked inclinations—he sent her away. No man could have regretted this momentary indulgence of conscience more.
A woman whose wishes have never come true…
Now a maid at London’s most exclusive gaming hell, Miranda has no time for either bitterness or the soothing of her bruised heart. She works hard and struggles to care for her dependent father, forbidding herself to dwell on either her dreams of the future or her memories of Simon.
At night all they need is one another…
Yet both her dreams and memories collide when Simon is commissioned to paint the portraits of the hell’s owners. Determined to right his mistakes, he offers to pay Miranda for the pleasure of painting her, too—but only in the privacy of his studio. She agrees to take his coin, even while knowing that every moment in his presence once again decimates her defenses…and threatens her heart.
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lol.. you just make me want to eat chocolate, thinking about buying chocolate soon ;)
Hi Eli! I hope I can inspire all women everywhere to eat chocolate. ;) Thanks for visiting with me, and I hope you had a great Valentine’s Day! =)
Agree with eli yanti, buy chocolate and eat all of that choco ^^
Hi Newan! I’ve heard a rumor that people exist who do not like chocolate. I. Do. Not. Understand. How. That. Is. Possible.
Thanks for the fantastic post and giveaway! I’m counting down until this book release :)
I like to just relax and spend time with the BF. Making/getting a nice dinner at home. Sitting in the living room reading and cuddling iwth the dogs while he plays his PS3. Although, funny story… this Valentine’s Day, he was dismayed cuz I bought him a card and he didn’t have one for me. He had the day off from from and when I got home, he’d picked up dinner and had it ready and… you guessed it, a card plus some mint chocolates. But I don’t like mint chocolate and he ended up eating it all. He declared it the best Valentine’s Day ever!
Hi Erin! You’re welcome! I hope you enjoy THE SINNING HOUR! =) You sound laid back like me. Relaxing is my idea of fun. ;) Glad to hear your BF made up V-Day with dinner and a card, although I do have to wonder if he somehow knew you didn’t like mint chocolate… ;)
Let me think, hmmm….. I not very fond about chocolate, but i think i can celebrate with cake chocolate with a lot cream and ice chocolate too! Important thing is have chocolate to celebrate!! LOL!!!
Hi Filia! As long as it’s chocolate *something* I think that’s all that matters. =) To be honest I’m more of a pastry person than a chocolate candy person, but in my opinion even pastries are made better with some kind of chocolate inside or on top. =)
Hi Ladies! Thanks so much for visiting with me today! I’ll be back to later to respond individually (when the kids give me a break ;).
After 13 years of marriage and 4 kids we sometimes do “Datenight” and never leave the house. We order pizza for the kids and get something nice for us, and watch a movie, play a board game, or just catch up on a series we follow.
My favorite nights are when we watch one of my shows, a romance or Greys Anatomy and we have a pint of ice cream and a blanket watching severl eposides!!!!
Hi Crystal! Honestly, that sounds like a lot of fun. =) I know hubby and I have recently been enjoying watching Downton Abbey together. It’s our quality cuddle time. =) Now that it’s over, we’ll have to find something else to watch so we can veg together. =)
We never forget romance. Even though our kids are older, youngest 19, we still have to make time for it. Just the little things like him saying thank you after dinner for a nice meal. Going away this weekend for belated Valentine Day…romance is good!
Hi Linda! I very much agree! I would also say that after 8.5 years of marriage, we’re finally getting to the point of understanding that open communication and romance go together…especially when he says things like, “I’ll let you sleep in tomorrow while I take care of the kids, honey.” ;)
My husband isn’t very romantic at all. So we dont really do anything special. Now me I am a hopeless romantic. Please enter me in contest.
Hi Victoria! We need to do a romance intervention, then. =) I swear more guys would be more romantic if they only knew what it would get them in return. Happier wives, for one thing. ;) At least we have romance novels and chick flicks to tide us over. =) Good luck with the giveaway, and thanks so much for visiting with me today!
Chocolate and tulips is my downfall … I’m easy *LOL*
Hi Rita! Oh, I love tulips, too! I think they’re one of the most beautiful and elegant flowers. I always feel special when I get a tulip bouquet instead of roses. Of course, with my black thumb, the tulips die as easily on me as the roses do, lol.
I do buy my husband chocolate for Valentine’s Day because he is a chocolateaholic, but we celebrate throughout the year “just because I love you”.
Hi Tina! It sounds like you have a wonderful marriage. =) My husband is also a chocolate-holic, which is why I suspect he bought an extra-large box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day. Sharing is better, anyway. ;)
My husband and I rarely get to go out by ourselves — but, when we do, we have dinner and then we go to our favorite bookstore and browse through the books and magazines –
I always come home from those dates with a happy tummy and a happy heart. ^_^
So do we, I also make him homemade truffles every year. It is fun to do impulsive stuff. Last year I bought him flowers which he loved, he buys them for me all the time.
=D Homemade truffles? Your man has it great! One thing I know that I could definitely do that would make my hubby happier is to cook more. That’s one of my goals for this year. =)
It can be make so simple, does not have to be complicated. The Truffles are super easy and can even be made low fat, really! If you want the recipe let me know. I do all the cooking in my house and love it but I also love the fact that my husband does all the shopping…Yes I am lucky!
Hi Tin! Movies and bookstores are our favorite things, too. =) Even though we both prefer to read on e-readers now because of the convenience, there’s just something about going into a bookstore. The smell, the atmosphere, the image of all those books just waiting to be discovered… We very very rarely ever leave a bookstore without finding something to buy. =)
Miranda sounds like a heroine I can easily care about. She’s not perfect but for someone she is just right. Pretty romantic, Elise :)
*grin* Thank you, Na! I’m looking forward to hearing what you think of this novella. I purposely wrote it with the idea of including *more* romance than I have in my other books. =)
It definitely has something to do with chocolate – I love to celebrate with a gooey chocolate dessert, that always adds romance even when I don’t have a significant other.
Hi Barbara! Mmmm… Great point about adding romance by itself. Maybe I need to start eating some every night before I start writing. (Oh, the justification we chocolate lovers come up with…) ;)
Sorry, there isn’t any chocolate in my romance. I think romance is the little touches, sly looks, sharing a joke and hand holding type stuff. I love when I wake up in the middle of the night and discover my hubby is holding my hand. **Sigh**
Hi Jen! Okay, I am very jealous that you and your husband hold hands in your sleep. And I’m definitely going to have to use that in a romance novel one day! =) But I agree–I always feel cherished and loved when we do hold hands (even though we’re usually awake ;).
What a nice way to spend Valentines day with your hunny! I would love a Valentines/date night away from the kids, just me and my handsome husband…..maybe next year.
Hi Lexi! I hope you get it. =) My hubby and I rarely go out together for dates (usually only for special occasions), but when we do we’re fortunate that his family lives nearby so they can watch the kids without us having to pay them (although we do end up watching their kids a lot, too). Hope you guys had a great V-Day this year! =)
We grew up in the same small town so both of our families are a little far away. They are pretty good about coming to visit, so the next time one set of grandparents come up we are planning a date night =)
I enjoy a leisurely chocolate dessert with my fiance. I enjoyed your post!
Thank you, Robin! Sounds like a great time to me. =)
A gooey chocolate sundae , shared by two.
Yum. =) And I don’t know about you, Lisa, but it always tastes better when my husband makes the dessert. Maybe it’s the love that’s involved in the creation. ;)
Spending time together creating wonderful memories! The type that I could happily post & make others swoon over when asked on a blog :p
Wow, lots of chocolate lovers here, myself included! This book sounds fantastic and I would love to read it.